Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Project- Why do we fall ill


(1)         Disease:- Any change from the normal state that causes discomfort or disability or impairs the health is called as disease.  
(2)         Health:- Health is a state of  complete physical, mental and social well being, and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity (W.H.O-1948)
(3)         Prophylaxis or preventive measures:- Preventive measure for a disease is called prophylaxis.
(4)         Epidemiology:- THE study of causes and spread of disease is called Epidemiology.
(epi = among, = Human, logy = study)
(5)         Etiology:- Study of the cause of disease is called etiology.
(6)         Incubation period:- Time interval between the entry of pathogen and appearance of symptoms is called incubation period.  
Window period:- period between infection to the time when it can be laboratrically detected.
(7)         Chemotherapy: Treatment with chemicals (Medicine)
(a)        Antibiotics: Substances which are secreted by microorganism that inhibit the growth or destroy the other microorganism are called antibiotics. This term was given by Walksman (streptomycin-first bacterial antibiotic obtained from bacteria-streptomycin griseus.)
Example-         Bacteriostatic- Tertracycllin, Chloramphenicol,
                      Bacteriolytic or Bacteriocidal-Streptomycin, Ciprofloxacin, Ampicillin.
         (b)        Analgesics: Substance that relieves pain.
Example-         Opioid analgesicsl- Morphine, Codeine, Diclofenac sodium, Nemuslide  
(c)        Antipyretics (Antifebrile): (Pyrexia-Fever) Substance that reduces temperature or fever of body.
Example- Aspirin (Acetyl salicylic acid)- (It produces gastric ulcer so not extensively recommended as a analgesic), Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Nemuslide.  
(d)        Antihistaminic drug: These drugs give  relief from allergies by neutralizing histamines that is released from the ruptured mast cell. E.g. cetrizine
(e)        Tranquillisers and Hypnotics and sedative drug:
(i)         Tranquilliser drug: A drug that act to reduce mental tension and anxiety without interfering with normal mental activity.
(ii)        Sedative drug: A drug that calms the subject without inducing sleep.   
(iii)       Hypnotic Drug: A drug that induces sleep.
(F)        Antiseptic and disinfectant: Agent that inhibit or kill microbes on contact. Conventionally agents used on living surfaces are called antiseptics while those used  for inanimate objects are called disinfeactants.  
Disinfection: In this process, kill only vegetative form of bacteria.  
Sterlisation: In this process, kill all form of pathogens including spores.  

Medical Terms
1.            Arthro                          -           Joint (Arthritis)
2.            Aesthesia                      -           Sensation (Anaesthesia means lack of senastion)
3.            Bracy                           -           Short (Bracydactylia)
4.            Brady                           -           Slow (Bradycardia)
5.            Coronary or Cardia      -           Heart
6.            Dropsty                        -           Due to Argimone maxicana’s seeds. These seeds mix with
mustard oil and produce poiloning.
7.            Encephalon                  -           Brain
8.            Enteron                        -           Intestine
9.            ……… emia                 -           Blood (Anemia, protenemia, Hyperglycemia)
10.        Gastric                          -           Stomach
11.        Hepatic                         -           Liver
12.        ………. It is                  -           Infection or inflammation
13.        Myo                             -           Muscles
14.        Metastasis                     -           Cancer cells or tissue spread from one part to another part of
15.        Nephirc /Renal             -           Kidney
16.        Pulmonary                    -           Lungs
17.        Patho                            -           Disease
18.        ………. Penia               -           Decrease (Neutropenia, Leucopenia)
19.        …… Philia or cytosis   -           Increase (Neutrophilia, Lymphocytosis)
20.        Phobia                          -           Acrophobia, Hydrophobia, Agoraphobia
21.        Plegia                           -           Paralysis, (Hemiplegia, Paraplegia, Quadriplegia)
22.        Phreenic                       -           Diaphargm      
23.        Rhine                           -           Nose
24.        Tachy                           -           Fast (Tachycardia-fast heart rate)
25.        …………. Uria                         -              Urine (Haematuria)

Father of Medicine : Hippocrates        He gave scientific explaination of disease first time. Father of Surgery : Susruta       He used non-poisonous leeches as an anti coagulant during surgery
Father of Ayurveda : Charaka (Ayu       Life, Veda       Knowledge) He first gave concept of digestive, metabolism and immunity
Father of Modern Pathology :  Rudolf virchow.
Father of Immunity : Edward Jenner (Small pox vaccine)
Father of Blood grouping : C. Landstainer.
Father of Modern Bacteriology : Robert Koch (Anthrax, T.B., Cholera)
Recently Nobel Prize for odourent receptor (olfaction) is given to Richard Axel and Linda   B.Buck
         30 January       :           Leprosy day
         24 March          :           Tuberculosis day
         07 April                        :           World Health day
         01 July                         :           Doctor’s day
         11 July             :           World population day
         01 Dec.                        :           AIDS day
         System of body which protect the body from disease is called immune system.
(‘Immune = Exempt or Freedom)  
Some terms related to immunity:
(1)         Immunity : Resistance of the body against a pathogen or disease;
(2)         Antigen or Agglutinogen : Proteinous substance which stimulates the production of antibodies is called agtigen. 
(3)         Antibody : It is a complex glycoprotion secreted by B-lymphocytes in response to an antigen. It is also called Agglutinin.
(4)         Antiserum : Serum of any animal which contains the antibody for a specific antigen is called antiserum.
(5)         Venom (Poison) : Toxic substances secrete by snake and some insect.  
(6)         Agglutination : Antigen antibody reaction is called agglutination and study of antigen-antibody reaction is called serology.
(7)         Toxoid : A bacterial exotoxin which is detoxicated by special Procedures to allow its safe use in immunization against the disease.  
(8)         Interleukin : It is a protein substances which stimulate the growth and activate certain kind of W.B.C. that are involved in Immune response, also act as a secondary messenger that activates the immune system. Ex. IL-1, IL-2,IL-3,IL-4,IL-5.
Immunity (two types):  
(1)         Congenital immunity of innate Immunity or Non-specific immunity.
(2)         Acquired immunity or Adaptive or specific immunity

Acquired (specific)                                          Innate (Natural)

                                                  Active                                                                Passive

Natural:                                    Artificial                         Natural:                           Artificial:
Follows clinical or        Induced by vaccination              Transphacental passage            Injection of preformed
Subclinical infection                                           of maternal IgG antibody      antibody (e.g. ATS)
                                                                                    Which protects child for        derived from serum
                                                                                     First 6 months of life                       of human or animals  
It is present by birth and in most of animal, It is first line of defense of body. It is made up of following barriers.
(A)       Anatomical Barrier: It is made up of two parts:-
(i)         Skin : Outermost layer of skin is dead (str. Corneum), so the bacteria does not grow or enter into it. pH of sking destroy the bacteria, sebum of skin also has anti bacterial action.
(ii)        Mucosal surface : Food and air passage lined by mucosa. Mucosa contain mucosal cells and cilia. Mucosa entraps the micro-organism and cilia propel the microbes.  
(B)         Physiological Barriers : many physiological functions of body make the unfavourable environment for the growth of microbes.
(i)         Fever : High temp. of body, inhibit the growth of microbes.  
(ii)        pH of body : Acidic pH of various part of body like oral cavity, stomach and Vagina inhibit the growth of microbes.
(iii)       Secretions : Secretions of body like Eyes, sebum contain lysozyme enzyme, this enzyme destroys the microbes.
(iv)       Interforon : Anti-viral protein made up to 270 amino acids secreated by virus infected cells and sitmulates the adjacent cells to produce the Translation Inhibiting Protein (T.I.P.)
By thi   s mechanism interferon limits the infection of virus.
Certain kind of vertebrate cells when infected with a virus respond by releasing a small amount of a class of glycoprotein called inerferons.  
Interferons are species specific i.e. interferons produced by one species can protect only cells of same species against virall infection.  
Interferons make cells resistant of viral infection by synthesis of antiviral proteins in that cell.
Types of interferons:
                      -       Produced by Leucocytes.
  -       Produced by Fibroblasts.
  -       Produced by Lymphocytes.   
Interferons can be used for prophylaxis and treatment of viral infections.
(C)        Phagocytic Barrier :- In response to pathogentic infection, the total count of WBC in body increases. Phagocytosis is exhibited byu some types of WBC’s such WBC’s are called phagocytes.
Most important phagocytes are Macrophages and Neutrophils. Monocytes are cellular debris etc in response to an infection.  
Steps of Phagocytosis -  
(1)        Vasodilation (blood stasis)
(2)        Adhesion
(3)        Migration or diapedesis
(4)        Chemotaxis (Neutrophils or Monocytes)
(5)        Phagocytosis

Steps of phagocytosis :
(i)     Vasodiloation : At Site of entry- Increased diameter of blood vessels.
(ii)      Adhesion : Accumulation of leucocytes at periphery of blood vessels due to decreased blood flow.
(iii)  Diapedesis : Now the leucocytes  (neutrophils or Monocytes) migrates from the blood vessel by Active. Movements (Amoeboid movement) into the E.C.F. this kind of active movement of cell, is called diapedesis.  
(iv)  Chemotaxis : Now this leucocyte cells move towards the pathogen by chemotacitc movement (Active).  
(v)    Phagocytosis :
(a)        Attachment (adherence) : the infective agent gets attracted to the membrane of the phagocyte.
(b)        Ingestion : Phagocyte engulfs the particular material into a vacuole (phagosome). The membrane of which fuses with a lysosome forming a phagolysosome. Lysosome contains hydrolytic  enzymes and other bactericidal substances.
(c)        Intracellular killing of bacterium : Most bacteria are slaughtered in the phagolysosome by the hydrolytic enzymes within a few minutes of phogocytosis.

(D)   Inflammatory Barrier :
Inflammation : Local eliminate or limit the spread of infectious agent. Inflammation is manifested as pain, swelling, redness, and increased temperature in the local area.
Inflammatory response occurs due to:- Release of histamines and prostaglandings from damaged mast  cells. At the site of entry of pathogen., there is redness (due to vasodilation) and swelling of skin due to accumulation of fluids and High temp. (due to B.M.R.) and pain (due to secretion of allergic susbstances like histamine and prostaglanding (PGs) from the the damaged calls and PGs stimulate the pain receptors.  
NK-Cell : It is a large granular lymphocyte cell.
 During this process apart from the phagocytes, another type of cells called Natural killer cells kill virus infected cells and tumour cells of body by creating perforin lined  pores in the plasms membrane of target cells (i.e. infected cells). Water enters through these pores causing swelling and bursting of the diseases cells.  

Complementary system:
It is formed by complementary component or C-component and they are inactive but when aggulutination occurs in our body they become active and show inflammation, cell lysis and promote phagocytosis. Complement system takes part in both innate and acquired immunity.

Acquired Immunity:
It is the resistance that an individual acquires during life. This is generated in response to an exposure to the microorganism in question.  
·              This type of immunity is founds only in vertebrates.
·              It is also called Adaptive or specific immunity
This immunity is acquired after birth by experience.  

This immunity recognized and selectively eliminate the pathogen. 

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