1. Respiration is an (a) anabolic process (b) catabolic process (c) none (d) both
2. Which of the following comes first while deglutition :
(A) larynx (b) Phayrnx (c) bronchi (d) Alveoli
3. Alveoli is the finger like structure found in
(A) larynx (b) pharynx (c) bronchi (d) lungs
4. Breathing is:
(A) inhalation (b) exhalation (c) both (d) None
5. Breathing centre located in which part of brain
( A) Medulla oblongata (b) cerebellum (c) vermis (d) None
6. Nutrition includes the study of:
(A) the organism's food (B) process of digestion (C) the way an organism obtains food (D)all of the above
7. Amoeba feeds with the help of:
(A) tentacles (B) pseudopodia (C)food vacuole (D)none of the above
8. Parotid gland is a /an:
(A) gastric gland (B) intestinal gland (C) salivary gland (D) none of the above
9. An enzyme that acts only in an acidic medium is:
(A) pepsin (B) trypsin (C) rennin (D) amylase
10. A non-enzyme protein present in the saliva is:
(A) heparin (B) mucin (C) ptyalin (D) none of the above
11. Absorption is maximum in the small intestine because of:
(A) the presence of villi (B) its length (C) its thin walls (D) all the above
12. Pyloric valve is present in the:
(A) heart (B) liver (C) stomach (D) intestine
13. Mastication is :
(A) digestion (B) absorption (C) assimilation (D) chewing
14. In the mouth the food is formed into :
(A) chyme (B) chyle (C) bolus (D) pellets
15. Appendix is a part of:
(A) ileum (B) duodenum (C) caecum (D) colon
16. Bile juice is secreted by :
(A) liver (B) pancreas (C) salivary gland (D) intestine
17. Bile juice is:
(A) alkaline (B) acidic (C) neutral (D) near acidic
18. The three portions of the small intestine, in the correct order, are :
(A) caecum, colon, rectum (B) ileum, duodenum, jejunum (C) colon, caecum, rectum (D) duodenum, jejunum, ileum
19. Which of the following are chiefly digested in the stomach?
(A) carbohydrates (B) proteins (C) fats (D) lipids
20. Large intestine in man mainly carries out :
(A) digestion of fats (B) absorption (C) assimilation (D) digestion of carbohydrates
21. The part of the digestive system where no digestion takes place is:
(A) mouth (B) oesophagus (C) ileum (D) stomach
22. The largest gland of the body is:
(A) parotid gland (B) liver (C) pancreas (D) submandibular gland
23. The most common substrate of respiration is :
(A) fats (B) amino acids (C) glucose (D) sucrose
24. Lowering of diaphragm results in :
(A) inspiration (B) expiration (C) it is not related to either (D) digestion
25. The surface area of the gills increase due to the presence of :
(A) lamellae (B) alveoli (C) arches (D) slits
26. Production of sound in man is due to the presence of :
(A) cartilage rings (B) cilia (C) goblet cells (D) vocal cords
29. Respiratory surface should be :
(A) permeable (B) thin (C) richly supplied with blood vessels (D) all the above
30. The part of the respiratory tract that is responsible for keeping it healthy is :
(A) trachea (B) bronchi (C) nasal cavity (D) all the above
31. Which of the following are the stages of respiration in the correct order?
(A) gaseous transport, breathing, tissue respiration and cellular respiration
(B) breathing, gaseous transport, tissue respiration and cellular respiration
(C) breathing, gaseous transport, cellular respiration and tissue respiration
(D) breathing, tissue respiration, cellular respiration and gaseous transport
32. Epiglottis guards the entrance of :
(A) pharynx (B) wind pipe (C) bronchus (D) lungs
33. The expired air differs from the inspired air in the following respects:
(A) it contains more carbon dioxide (B) it contains less oxygen
(C) it contains more water vapour (D) all the above
34. Which structure separates thorax from abdomen?
(A) lungs (B) heart (C) diaphragm (D) rib cage
35. Which area of the brain controls the respiratory movements?
(A) cerebrum (B) cerebellum (C) medulla oblongata (d) None
36. Blood is composed of:
(A) plasma and red blood cells (B) plasma and formed elements (C) red and white blood cells (D) red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets
37. : __________ carries oxygenated blood.
(A) pulmonary artery (B) hepatic portal vein (C) pulmonary vein (D) all of the above
38. The threads formed during clotting are made up of :
(A) thrombin (B) prothrombin (C) fibrinogen (D) fibrin
39. The double membraned structure surrounding the heart is called :
(A) plasmalemma (B) pleural membrane (C) tonoplast (D) pericardium
40. An example of lymph gland is:
(A) spleen (B) liver (C) tonsil (D) thyroid
41. Human circulatory system is called double circulation because of :
(A) systemic and hepatic portal system (B) hepatic portal and pulmonary system
(C) systemic and pulmonary circulation (D) none
42. Thick muscular walls are present in :
(A) arteries (B) arterioles (C) veins (D) venules
43. Diapedesis is shown by :
(A) RBC (B) WBC (C) platelets (D) a,b and c
44. The normal blood pressure in man is :
(A) 80/120 mm Hg (B) 120/80 mm Hg (C) 120/100 mm Hg (D) 100/80 mm Hg
45. The opening between the right auricle and the right ventricle is guarded by the :
(A) tricuspid valve (B) bicuspid valve (C) semi-lunar valve (D) none
46. The blood vessel carrying blood from heart to the lungs is called :
(A) carotid artery (B) carotid vein (C) pulmonary artery (D) pulmonary vein
47. Valves are present in :
(A) arteries (B) arterioles (C) veins (D) capillaries
48. Deoxygenated blood is received by the :
(A) left auricle (B) right auricle (C) left ventricle (D) right ventricle
49. Mitral valve is the other name for :
(A) semilunar valve (B) bicuspid valve (C) tricuspid valve (D) venous valves
50. Lacteals in the intestine take up :
(A) digested starch (B) digested fats (C) digested proteins (D) glucose
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