Question 1:
What is the difference
between a reflex action and walking?
A reflex
action is a rapid, automatic response to a stimulus. It does not involve
any thinking. For example, we close our eyes immediately when the bright light
is focused. Walking, on the other hand, is a voluntary action. It is under our
conscious control.
Question 2:
What happens at the
synapse between two neurons?
A very small gap that
occurs between the last portion of axon of one neuron and the dendron of the
other neuron is known as a synapse. It acts as a one way valve to transmit
impulses in one direction only. This uni-direction transfer of impulses
occurs as the chemicals are produced in only one side of the neuron i.e., the
axon’s side. From axon, the impulses travel across the synapse to the dendron
of the other neuron.
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synapse or neuromuscular junction

uestion 3:
Which part of the
brain maintains posture and equilibrium of the body?
Cerebellum, a part of
hindbrain is responsible for maintaining posture and equilibrium of the body.
Question 4:
How do we detect the
smell of an agarbatti (incense stick)?
The thinking part
of our brain is the forebrain. It has separate areas that are specialized for
hearing, smelling, sight, taste, touch, etc. The forebrain also has regions
that collect information or impulses from the various receptors. When the smell
of an incense stick reaches us, our forebrain detects it. Then, the forebrain
interprets it by putting it together with the information received from other
receptors and also with the information already stored in the brain.
Question 4:
How do we detect the
smell of an agarbatti (incense stick)?
The thinking part
of our brain is the forebrain. It has separate areas that are specialized for
hearing, smelling, sight, taste, touch, etc. The forebrain also has regions
that collect information or impulses from the various receptors. When the smell
of an incense stick reaches us, our forebrain detects it. Then, the forebrain
interprets it by putting it together with the information received from other
receptors and also with the information already stored in the brain.
Question 5:
What is the role of
the brain in reflex action?
Reflex actions are
sudden responses, which do not involve any thinking. For example, when we touch
a hot object, we withdraw our hand immediately without thinking as thinking may
take time which would be enough to get us burnt.
The sensory nerves
that detect the heat are connected to the nerves that move the muscles of
the hand. Such a connection of detecting the signal from the nerves (input) and
responding to it quickly (output) is called a reflex arc. The reflex arcs
−connections present between the input and output nerves − meet in a bundle in
the spinal cord.
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Reflex arcs are
formed in the spinal cord and the information (input) reaches the brain. The
brain is only aware of the signal and the response that has taken place.
However, the brain has no role to play in the creation of the response.
Question 1:
What are plant
plant hormones or
phytohormones are naturally-occurring organic substances. These are synthesized
in one part of the plant body (in minute quantities) and are translocated to
other parts when required. The five major types of phytohormones are auxins,
gibberellins, cytokinins, abscisic acid, and ethylene.
Question 2:
How is the movement of
leaves of the sensitive plant different from the movement of a shoot towards
Movement of a shoot towards light
Movement of leaves of sensitive plant
It is a tropic movement which depends on the direction of
stimulus applied.
It is a nastic movement that does not depend upon the
direction of stimulus applied.
The stimulus is light.
The stimulus is touch(or contact stimuli)
It is caused by the unequal growth on the 2 sides of the
It is caused by the sudden losss of water from the swellings
at eh base of leaves.
This type of movement is directional and is growth dependent
This movement is independent of growth

Question 3:
Give an example of a
plant hormone that promotes growth.
Auxin is an example of
growth-promoting plant hormone.
Question 4:
How do auxins promote
the growth of a tendril around a support?
Tendrils are the thin, thread-like growths on the stems or
leaves of climbing plants. Tendrils are sensitive to the touch (or contact) of
other objects.
When the tip of the tendril touches a support, then the auxins
(plant hormone) present in its tip move to that side of tendril which is away
from the support.
Because Auxin promotes growth so the side of the tendril which
is away from the support grows faster (and becomes longer) than the side which
is in contact with the support. This makes the tendril to curve (or bend)
towards the support.
This curving tendril can then encircle the support & appear
as a watch spring.
Design an experiment
to demonstrate hydrotropism.
Take two small beakers
and label them as A and B. Fill beaker A with water. Now make a
cylindrical-shaped roll from a filter paper and keep it as a bridge between
beaker A and beaker B, as shown in the figure. Attach few germinating seeds in
the middle of the filter paper bridge. Now, cover the entire set-up with a
transparent plastic container so that the moisture is retained.
Question 1:
How does chemical
coordination take place in animals?
Chemical coordination
takes place in animals with the help of hormones.Hormone is the chemical
messenger that regulates the physiological processes in living organisms. It is
secreted by glands. The regulation of physiological processes, and control and
coordination by hormones comes under the endocrine system. The nervous system
along with the endocrine system in our body controls and coordinates the
physiological processes.
Question 2:
Why is the use of
iodised salt advisable?
Iodine stimulates the
thyroid gland to produce thyroxin hormone. It regulates carbohydrate, fat, and
protein metabolism in our body. Deficiency of this hormone results in the
enlargement of the thyroid gland. This can lead to goitre, a disease
characterized by swollen neck. Therefore, iodised salt is advised for normal
functioning of the thyroid gland.

Question 3:
How does our body
respond when adrenaline is secreted into the blood?
Adrenalin is a hormone
secreted by the adrenal glands in case of any danger or emergency or any kinds
of stress. It is secreted directly into the blood and is transported to
different parts of the body.
When secreted in large
amounts, it speeds up the heartbeat and hence supplies more oxygen to the
muscles. The breathing rate also increases due to contractions of diaphragm and
rib muscles. It also increases the blood pressure. All these responses enable
the body to deal with any stress or emergency.
Question 4:
Why are some patients
of diabetes treated by giving injections of insulin?
Diabetes is a disease
in which the level of sugar in the blood is too high. Insulin, a hormone
secreted by the pancreas, helps in regulating the blood sugar levels. This is
the reason why diabetic patients are treated by giving injections of insulin.
Question 1:
Which of the following
is a plant hormone?
(a) Insulin
(b) Thyroxin
(c) Oestrogen
(d) Cytokinin
(d) Cytokinin is a
plant hormone.
Question 2:
The gap between two
neurons is called a
(a) dendrite.
(b) synapse.
(c) axon.
(d) impulse.
(b) The gap between
two neurons is called a synapse.
Question 3:
The brain is
responsible for
(a) thinking.
(b) regulating the
heart beat.
(c) balancing the
(d) all of the above.
(d) The brain is
responsible for thinking, regulating the heart beat and balancing the
Question 4:
What is the function
of receptors in our body? Think of situations where receptors do not work
properly. What problems are likely to arise?
Receptors are sensory
structures (organs/tissues or cells) present all over the body. The receptors
are either grouped in case of eye or ear, or scattered in case of skin.
Functions of
(i) They sense the
external stimuli such as heat or pain.
(ii) They also trigger
an impulse in the sensory neuron which sends message to the spinal cord.
When the receptors are
damaged, the external stimuli transferring signals to the brain are not felt.
For example, in the case of damaged receptors, if we accidentally touch any hot
object, then our hands might get burnt as damaged receptors cannot perceive the
external stimuli of heat and pain.
Question 5:
Draw the structure of
a neuron and explain its function.
Neurons are the
functional units of the nervous system. The three main parts of a neuron are
axon, dendrite, and cell body.
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of a neuron
of the three parts of a neuron:
Axon: It conducts
messages away from the cell body.
Dendrite: It receives
information from axon of another cell and conducts the messages towards the
cell body.
Cell body: It contains
nucleus, mitochondria, and other organelles. It is mainly concerned with the
maintenance and growth.

How does phototropism
occur in plants?
Thegrowth movement in
plants in response to light stimulus is known as phototropism.The shoots show
positive phototropism and the roots show negative phototropism. This means that
the shoots bend towards the source of light whereas the roots bend away from
the light source.
examples of phototropism are as follows:
(a) The flower head of
sunflower is positively phototropic and hence it moves from east to west along
with the sun.
(b) The ovary stalk of
groundnut is positively phototropic before fertilization and becomes negatively
phototropic after fertilization, so that the fruit is formed underground.
Question 7:
Which signals will get
disrupted in case of a spinal cord injury?
The reflex arc
connections between the input and output nerves meet in a bundle in the spinal
cord. In fact, nerves from all over the body meet in a bundle in the spinal
cord on their way to the brain. In case of any injury to the spinal cord, the
signals coming from the nerves as well as the signals coming to the receptors
will be disrupted.
Question 8:
How does chemical
coordination occur in plants?
In animals, control
and coordination occur with the help of nervous system. However, plants do not
have a nervous system.
Plants respond to
stimuli by showing movements. The growth, development, and responses to the
environment in plants is controlled and coordinated by a special class of
chemical substances known as hormones. These hormones are produced in one part
of the plant body and are translocated to other needy parts. For example, a
hormone produced in roots is translocated to other parts when required. The
five major types of phytohormone are auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, abscisic
acid, and ethylene. These phytohormones are either growth promoters (such as
auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, and ethylene) or growth inhibitors such as
abscisic acid.
Question 9:
What is the need for a
system of control and coordination in an organism?
The maintenance of the
body functions in response to changes in the body by working together of
various integrated body systems is known as coordination. All the movements
that occur in response to stimuli are carefully coordinated and controlled. In
animals, the control and coordination movements are provided by nervous and
muscular systems. The nervous system sends messages to and away from the brain.
The spinal cord plays an important role in the relay of messages. In the
absence of this system of control and coordination, our body will not be able
to function properly. For example, when we accidentally touch a hot utensil, we
immediately withdraw our hand. In the absence of nerve transmission, we will
not withdraw our hand and may get burnt.

Question 10:
How are involuntary
actions and reflex actions different from each other?
Involuntary actions
cannot be consciously controlled. For example, we cannot consciously control
the movement of food in the alimentary canal. These actions are however
directly under the control of the brain. On the other hand, the reflex actions
such as closing of eyes immediately when bright light is focused show sudden
response and do not involve any thinking. This means that unlike involuntary
actions, the reflex actions are not under the control of brain.

Compare and contrast
nervous and hormonal mechanisms for control and coordination in animals.
Nervous system mechanism
Hormonal system mechanism
The information is conveyed in the form of electric impulse.
The information is conveyed in the form of chemical
The axons and dendrites transmit the information through a
coordinated effort.
The information is transmitted or transported through blood.
The flow of information is rapid and the response is quick.
The information travels slowly and the response is slow.
Its effects are short lived.
It has prolonged effects.
Question 12:
What is the difference
between the manner in which movement takes place in a sensitive plant and the
movement in our legs?
Movement in sensitive plants
Movement in our legs
The movement that takes place in a sensitive plant such asMimosa
pudica occurs in response to touch (stimulus).
Movement in our legs is an example of voluntary actions
For this movement to occur, the plant cells change shape by
changing the amount of water in them.
In animal muscle cells, some proteins are found which allow
the movement to occur
The movement in the leaves of a sensitive plant takes place due
to the sudden loss of water in the pad-like swellings (called pulvini) at the
base of all the leaves.
The loss of water makes the pulvini limp leading to drooping and
folding of leaves.
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