Sunday, November 1, 2015


1.       Draw the structures of following compounds”
a.        2-methyl heptane
b.        3-methyl octane
c.        4-isopropyl  nonane
d.       1,1,1,1- tetrachloromethane
e.        Choloroform
f.        Benzene hexa chloride
g.        Formaldehyde
h.       Ethanoic acid
i.         Methanoic acid
j.         Ethylene

2.       What is the meaning of alkyl radical? why it is unstable?
3.       Write the functional group present in alcohol, aldehyde and carboxylic acid:
4.       Which 2 families have similar molecular formula in the IUPAC nomenclature?
5.       Why methene can not be possible? Write structures of any one compound from alkyl halide?
6.       What is the difference between lowest sum rule and lowest locant rule?
7.       Write the rule to write the IUPAC nomenclature
8.       Write difference between cyclohexane, hexane and benzene by structures.
9.       What is the meaning of symmetrical nnd unsymmetrical ketones.
10.    What is the meaning of substitution and parent chain in long chain IUPAC system.
11.    Draw the structure of the gas leaked during the Bhopal gas tragedy.

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