Tuesday, November 17, 2015

class 8th (science)


Time:  3 hrs.                                                                                                          MM: 80

General instructions:

A. Answer the following questions:                                                      (15X3=45 marks)
  1. What are endocrine glands? Name any 5 important glands in the human body, along with the names of the hormones they secrete.
  2. What is fertilization? Describe the 2 types of fertilization.
  3. Define the term cell. What are unicellular and multicellular organisms?
  4. What are plastids? How are they classified?
  5. Differentiate between combustible and non-combustible substances.
  6. How does burning of fossil fuels contribute towards the air pollution?
  7. Why cooking utensils are mostly made up of copper or aluminium.
  8. Define corrosion, displacement reaction and ductility.
  9. Why is rayon called as artificial silk?
  10. What are the conditions required for microbial growth.
  11. What do you mean by the terms ‘shelf life’ and ‘food preservation’?
  12. What are the conditions required for microbial growth?
  13. How is excessive irrigation harmful to crops?
  14. How is loosening of soil important for plant growth?
  15. Who publishes Red List of endangered species? What is the purpose of this list?

B. Fill in the blanks:                                                                              (10X1=10 marks)
  1. ___________ is a fluid which fills up the spaces in a cell between the cell membrane and the nucleus.
  2. ______________ are considered as the power house of the cell.
  3. _________________results in depletion of wildlife.
  4. Coal and petroleum are _______________ resources.
  5. A reaction in which one metal displaces another metal from its salt solution is called a ____________________ reaction.
  6. The property by virtue of which they can be beaten into thin sheets is termed ____________________.
  7. The diverse plant species found in a natural place is called _____________.
  8. In a wild life sanctuary, poaching of animals is _______________________.
  9. ____________ surfaces promote microbial growth.

C. Match the following                                                                          (10X1=10 marks)
  1. Streptococci               Decomposition of organic matter resulting in foul smell.
  2. Canning                     Baking
  3. Putrefaction               Curd formation
  4. Yeast cells                  Method of food preservation.
  5. Pituitary gland          Oestrogen
  6. Ovaries                      Thryoid stimulating hormone
  7. Testes                         Insulin
  8. Thyroid gland            Thyroxine
  9. Pancreas                     Testosterone
  10. Pineal                           Melatonin.                     

D. State whether the following statements are true or false:            (10X1=10 marks).
  1. Friction can only occur between 2 solid furfaces.
  2. Friction can act only through contact between 2 surfaces.
  3. Oil and grease are commonly used lubricants.
  4. Xylem and phloem are conducting tissue.
  5. Cells lining the skin are called epithelial cells.
  6. The red blood cells help in fighting infections.
  7. Plastics are generally good conductors of heat.
  8. Excess use of fertilization may lead to eutrophication.
  9. PVC is used for making sanitary fittings.
  10. DNA stands for Deoxy Ribonucleic acid.

E. Draw a neat, labelled diagram of a plant cell. Name at least 5 organelles preset in the cytoplasm.                                                                                         (5 marks

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