Sunday, November 1, 2015

quality answers of class 10th

DAILY 5 QUESTIONS (DATE: 31/01/2010)

What are outside raw materials used for by an organism?
·         Answer
·         Carbon based molecules were the basis for the outside raw materials used by organisms because life on earth depends upon carbon based molecules.
·         The raw materials required by an organism can be quite varied depending on the complexity of the organism and its environment.
·         Autotropes uses inorganic energy like CO2, water and minerals as outside raw materials.
·         Heterotropes used carbohydrates and oxygen as outside raw materials.

What is the role of the acid in our stomach?
·         Answer
HCl secreted from the parietal (oxyntic) cells of stomach has 4 important function:
1.      HCl converts inactive propepsin(pepsinogen)  into active pepsin.
2.      HCl makes the stomach environment acidic (pH=2.0-2.3) which is essential for the proper function of propepsin.
3.      HCl softens the food the kill the microorganisms in food.
4.      HCl also stops the function of salivary amylase.

What is the function of digestive enzymes?
·         Answer
·         Enzymes are proteins which catalyze the biological reactions and act as molecular scissors.
·         Enzyme causes hydrolytic splitting of complex macro-molecules into simple soluble and diffusible micro-molecules.
·         These simple particles can be easily absorbed by the blood and thus transported to all the cells of the body.

Proteins ----àpeptones------àpeptides-----àamino acid

How is the small intestine designed to absorb digested food?
·         Answer
·         The inner epithelial lining of small intestine possesses numerous finger like projections called as villi, which increases the surface area for efficient absorption of digested food.
·         Villi possess blood capillaries and lymph vessels (lacteals) for quick transport of absorbed food.
·         From the blood stream, the absorbed food is delivered to each and every cell of the body.

What advantage over an aquatic organism does a terrestrial organism have with regard to obtaining oxygen for respiration?
·         Answer
·         Aquatic organisms obtain oxygen for respiration from water, which is very low in amount. It is less than 1% oxygen in dissolved state in water.
·         Terrestrial organisms take oxygen directly from the environment, which has a very high concentration of oxygen (up to 21%).
·         Since the amount of oxygen in water is fairly low as compared to the amount of oxygen in the air, thus the rate of breathing in aquatic organisms is much faster than in terrestrial organisms.


Arteries are the distributing blood vessels which carry the blood away from the heart to various organs.
Veins are the collecting blood vessels, which carry the blood towards the heart from various organs.
Capillaries are exchanging blood vessels that is helpful in exchanging glucose and respiratory gases.
Arteries have oxygenated blood except pulmonary artery.
Veins have de-oxygenated blood except pulmonary vein.
Capillaries contain both oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood.
Blood flow rapidly and under pressure in arteries.
Blood flow slowly and with little pressure in veins.
Blood flows with moderate pressure.
Arteries have thick elastic walls because arteries have the bear the high blood pressure.
Veins are thin walled because blood pressure is low in veins
Capillaries are thin walled and one cell thick because they hae to exchange nutrition and gases.
Arteries do not have valves because blood flows with jerks in them.
Veins have internal valves to prevent back flwo of blood

Lumen of arteries is narrow
Lumen of vein is wide

Arteries are deep seated
Veins are superficial.

How is the movement of leaves of the sensitive plant different from the movement of a shoot towards light?

Movement of a shoot towards light
Movement of leaves of sensitive plant

It is a tropic movement which depends on the direction of stimulus applied.
It is a nastic movement that does not depend upon the direction of stimulus applied.

The stimulus is light.
The stimulus is touch(or contact stimuli)

It is caused by the unequal growth on the 2 sides of the shoot.
It is caused by the sudden losss of water from the swellings at eh base of leaves.

This type of movement is directional and is growth dependent
This movement is independent of growth

How do auxins promote the growth of a tendril around a support?
·        Tendrils are the thin, thread-like growths on the stems or leaves of climbing plants. Tendrils are sensitive to the touch (or contact) of other objects.
·        When the tip of the tendril touches a support, then the auxins (plant hormone) present in its tip move to that side of tendril which is away from the support.
·        Because Auxin promotes growth so the side of the tendril which is away from the support grows faster (and becomes longer) than the side which is in contact with the support. This makes the tendril to curve (or bend) towards the support.
·         This curving tendril can then encircle the support & appear as a watch spring.
What is the difference between the manner in which movement takes place in a sensitive plant and the movement in our legs?
Movement in sensitive plants
Movement in our legs
The movement that takes place in a sensitive plant such asMimosa pudica occurs in response to touch (stimulus).
Movement in our legs is an example of voluntary actions
For this movement to occur, the plant cells change shape by changing the amount of water in them.
In animal muscle cells, some proteins are found which allow the movement to occur
The movement in the leaves of a sensitive plant takes place due to the sudden loss of water in the pad-like swellings (called pulvini) at the base of all the leaves.
The loss of water makes the pulvini limp leading to drooping and folding of leaves.

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